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Heating and AC Tune-Up Special

For our residential customers


The Cardon $69 Tune-Up Special

About the Tune-Up


The inspection of temperature, safety devices and safety controls, exchangers, filters, and much more is standard in the Cardon Tune-Up Special


Cleaning the drains, coils, and the general HVAC area is part of the customer service experience that we take seriously to ensure a satisfactory tune-up


Checking blowers, refrigerant levels, and the ductwork is the final stage in our tune-up special to ensure your HVAC system runs well in the Florida heat or the cold spells of the winter!

We love Florida. But Florida also has: 

100 Days
Of Temps over 90°F+
Of Energy Use in Florida Homes
In Heat Related Illnesses in the US

Ready for your Tune-Up Special?